Tuesday, January 24, 2012

the library/dining room

the room once known as the library will become the dining room.
but, until we get the house more situated, the "dining room" is going to become our den. last week i primed our new drywall. now we are ready to paint! 
as you know, the pine floors (mostly heart pine!) in the house need to be redone. we decided to go ahead and redo the floors in the future dining room:
dining room: we rented a sander from lowes
this lowes sander is a pain in the rear end. the sandpaper only lasts like 5 seconds. 
ugh, the price we pay for gorgeous floors!

sanding the floor
now that the floor is all sanded, its time to stain. 
we chose rustoleum kona.

(yo dude. don't judge me on my method!)
first coat
hmmmm....looks a little funky! but i keep going anyway. 
(will this be a problem later? you betcha!)
next picture is so you can see the progression:
before sanding right half of picture
after sanding bottom left
first "attempt" at staining left middle

it is a little uneven

but not too bad right?
uh, yeah....we're going to have to redo that. apparently we didn't take off all of the previous polyurethane. hehe. OOPS!

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